Library's Greatest Need

Your gift to the Library’s Greatest Need Fund will give us the greatest flexibility in responding to emerging opportunities.

This year alone, Frederick County Public Libraries hosted over 1 million visitors to our eight branches, and nearly three million items were borrowed. We issued 10 thousand new library cards and hosted nearly 7 thousand events for children, teens, and adults. Visitors to our libraries logged over 240 thousand hours on our computers and WIFI.

It’s easy to see why the demand for books, ebooks, computers, and other resources continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

Your gift helps puts more books in more hands every year. The demand for new and better services is on the rise and your donation, along with others, helps us grow our library system and reach more people in underserved parts of our community. The services FCPL provides can grow only with your generosity.

Make a gift to the Library’s Greatest Need Fund today!