
  1. Download Smart Alec App from App Store and login to your account using your library barcode without spaces and your last name.
  2. Open page/doc you need to print on device and locate "share" icon.
  3. Ignore the Smart Alec app if you see it. Instead, scroll down and choose "print."
  4. Some apps just have a "print" button and no "share." Ignore "Printer Options."
  5. From Printer Options screen, use fingers to "pinch and zoom" document.
  6. Find the "Share" icon again and tap it. A menu of apps will pop up. Scroll through to find Smart Alec.
  7. Your page/doc will be loaded as a PDF to the Smart Alec app.
  8. Click "Send." Page/doc will now appear as a PDF in your Smart Alec app.
  9. Visit your local branch to print and pick up your prints.